Life Coaching Using Vedic Astrology


Jyotish, also known as Vedic astrology, was developed in ancient India by sages to calculate and predict time and auspices using cosmic observation. These sages further augmented this divination system to gain the unseeable insights into human life that can predict the course of one’s destiny. This profound knowledge system is able to reveal our unconscious selves and provide a deeper understanding of our true selves pertaining to our quest for happiness, sukha.

Nova Astrology for Life Coaching ties this ancient science with practical and contemporary world advice and is aimed at providing clarity and resolution as needed. The aspiration is to enlighten you with personal insights in a reading session and offer life coaching recommendations.

The predictive capability of Jyotish with time-based precision creates a strong differentiation for this divination system as compared to other techniques. The suggestions/recommendations offered in a reading session are tailored to each individual and are easy to implement by one’s will and volition.

What is offerED in a Reading Session:

  • Casting or generation of the Vedic Chart/Horoscope based on birth data

  • Deep listening to understand challenges and questions

  • Detailed explanation of Chart/Horoscope,Interpretation and Predictions

  • Life Coaching suggestions and practical remedies called "Upayas"

  • Zoom Video Recordings of the session



Learn more about me and the basics of Jyotisha

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