Article on Chitra Nakshatra
Shallow Jyotisha
In times of crisis like the global pandemic of Covid-19 people are looking for hope and anything to hang their hat on.
I've noticed a lot of videos circulating on social media regarding the predictions of Corona Virus which illustrate what my teacher calls shallow Jyotisha. Since this subject is not understood and takes years of dedicated practice, people with a little knowledge come out and utilizing the vulnerability and the apetite for consumption are sending out videos with little credibility and logic with the hopes of it becoming "viral" (pun intended").
Just like they say you don't find pearls in shallow water the same is true for this ancient subject with enormous profundity, wisdom and healing touch.
It needs depth and multiple angles of confluence before one can be convinced of an argument of why something should be believed.
Mundane astrology is a complex subject in itself. This topic of the pandemic would be under its purview. Predictions like the ones circulating do more harm to this pure "vidya" than help anyone in general. Since you need an expertise in mundane astrology, I've stayed away from making major predictions on this topic for the same reason. I have though based on my limited knowledge, felt like end of May and after September things should be better. That will not be true for everyone because nothing is really true for everyone.
Also if you think deeply what good do these predictions do. Are you going to start making decisions based on the dates provided by a talking head? Later if the predictions don't come true what options would you have. If these are for fun then that is also not a good use of this divination system.
The more important thing at this time is to use this precious time which is a gift for going deeper into our "Antahkarana" or the inner organ of the mind. This is how we can benefit. Develop a practice in any of the four yogas( Karma, Bhakti, Jnana or Raja) based on what appeals to you.
Hope and Courage
Look at me!
Last night Venus and Moon were in full display of their splendor. Even though the moon has just started waxing the two showy planets were beckoning us as if saying”look at me”. The “shastra” gives this combination a Raja Yoga especially making the native “seen in the public eye”
“All the answers are within us, but such is our tendency toward forgetting that we sometimes need to venture to a faraway land to tap our own memory-Heinrich Zimmer”
I recently had the good fortune to go on a pilgrimage to visit Mount Kailash in Tibet. Considered one of the most sacred places in the world. The experience has filled me with a new restless energy. A successful pilgrimage is supposed to renew and change us in some fundamental way and this place has the ability to do that.
If you are thinking what does it have to do with Astrology, i’d say everything. Astrology/Jyotisha stops becoming logic based at some point after all the basic principles and calculations have been applied. The ability to look into the “Adrishta” (that which cannot be seen) comes from an intuition based state called “Jna” (Pronounced-Nya). This state of knowingness beyond logic and academic principles is the realm where we are tapping into the super consciousness or an all pervading consciousness.
The visit and contact with places like Mount Kailash (which is an extremely high spiritual energy point) under the right conditions and at the right time, gets us closer to the understanding of the true underlying universal consciousness. The developing of the “Jna” which is a spiritual state takes “Jyotisha” from the mundane to the higher echelons of spirituality.
Woke up to a beautiful Equinox morning. Equinox in my mind exemplifies the perfect balance of things.
Astronomically it is the day when the celestial equator intersects with the ecliptic which in turn gives us a equal day and night. Also seasonally we are in mild weather for most of the earth. It's like that perfect harmony.
We experience this harmony in the state of mind as well. Total sense of balance with our mind, body and spirit. The challenge is to keep this state of balance while increasing it to a permanent continuum. That is Enlightenment.
Happy Equinox day!
Jyotisa was developed by the ancient sages for the primary purpose of determining the best timing of activities for maximum utilizing potential.
Electional astrology or "muhurta" what we know today serves that purpose. Choosing the best time for your big endeavors is very essential. Also avoiding certain inauspicious dates and times is probably even more important.
Just like eclipses "Rahu Kaalam" is one more such time in the day you want to avoid. You can view the Rahu Kaalam in the "panchang" calendars like