The corona virus pandemic has surfaced myriads of emotions in humanity as we see our lives and the world around us change dramatically. The dominant emotion manifesting itself in these times is fear.
Fear is one of the most powerful of emotions which has been the bane for human self realization since eternity. The rapid change around us where our ever so busy worlds just came to a standstill in such a short span of time, the images and news of people dying or sick and the financial misery which ensues are stirring unprecedented anxiety in our psyche.
Where are our superheroes at this time? But wait, why do we seek these superheroes? What is it that we are trying to look for in this time. Upon contemplation we realize that we are looking externally for hope and instances where people are showing courage. We can’t but help ourselves to revere and applaud the selfless men and women who are challenging this emotion of fear and shining through with that radiant emotion we associate with as selfless courage. Healthcare workers, public servants, philanthropists to name a few.
Quoting Dr. David Hawkins “ Courage does not mean absence of fear but the willingness to surmount it, which, when accomplished, reveals hidden strength and the capacity for fortitude”. This hidden strength is within us all. This situation is providing all of us an opportunity to explore this underlying strength and we can all do this in our own ways. Some will find this strength by changing the mind’s focus towards faith, some through focusing on helping others and some through other routines and practices for mental and physical health.
Go inside, acknowledge the emotion of fear and tell yourself it’s all going to be “ok”, and that there is a purpose of our lives which needs to be fulfilled which is greater than our own selves.
In any case use this time for wholesome efforts and actions. Give hope and courage to people around you. Find the superhero within you and be one for who are struggling in these times.
““Throw away all weakness. Tell your body that it is strong, tell your mind that it is strong, and have unbounded faith and hope in yourself””